Note #6

I saw some interesting statistics published by Vaihe regarding Astro and the usage of various tools and frameworks with it.

As I’ve been working on data visualisation components recently, and given my site is also written in Astro (with some Preact/React in places), I thought it would be fun to visualise some of these statistics about Astro using Astro. One of the components I’ve been working on is a stacked value chart, which I’m using here.

format: 'percent',
size: 'medium'
{ label: 'With React', value: 0.258, color: '#009d88' },
{ label: 'Without React', value: 0.742, color: '#00bf63' },
]} />

How many Astro sites use React

Without React: 74.2% With React: 25.8%
  1. Without React 74.2%
  2. With React 25.8%

The popularity of Tailwind among Astro sites

No Tailwind: 55% Use Tailwind: 45%
  1. No Tailwind 55%
  2. Use Tailwind 45%

Estimating how many Astro sites use SSR vs. SSG

SSG: 79% SSR: 21%
  1. SSG 79%
  2. SSR 21%
Node: 39.3% Vercel: 23.8% Cloudflare: 18.6% Netlify: 15.2% Deno: 3.1%
  1. Node 39.3%
  2. Vercel 23.8%
  3. Cloudflare 18.6%
  4. Netlify 15.2%
  5. Deno 3.1%

How many Astro sites use a JavaScript framework

JavaScript framework: 64.1% No JavaScript framework: 35.6%
  1. JavaScript framework 64.1%
  2. No JavaScript framework 35.6%
React: 40.4% Svelte: 17.6% Vue: 17.4% Preact: 12.2% Solid: 6.4% Lit: 3.4% Alpine: 1.7%
  1. React 40.4%
  2. Svelte 17.6%
  3. Vue 17.4%
  4. Preact 12.2%
  5. Solid 6.4%
  6. Lit 3.4%
  7. Alpine 1.7%

Read the rest of my notes